Thursday, June 30, 2005

If I Were to Die tomorrow

There is an insurance company ad which pops up once and awhile. The lead line says, "If You were to Die Tomorrow."
I did not know I had a choice!
Do insurance companies have more knowledge about dying than doctors?
Does the FDA know that we don't have to die?
As far as I know, most of us are getting older. At a young tender age, I was told that as soon as I was born, I was dying.
"How can this be," I asked.
"Everyone has to die."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because that is the way it is!" "Now stop asking such a stupid question and take out the trash."
"Why? I asked again.

Just because doctors tell us that we are dying, does it really mean we are? There have been numerous cases of patients making a full recovery from a deadly illness. And the doctors have all scratched their heads and collectively said they did not know why.

I have not heard of anyone who has fought off death. There is the saying about whoever dies with the most toys, wins.

Okay, I know. Doctors have more education than I do.
But it still is the Practice of Medicine!
When will doctors be done practicing?

Let's all ban together and not die.
Imagine all the birthday presents we will be receiving?

The Shortest Distance

The shortest distance between two cross walks is the middle of the road.

My wife and I sometimes eat at Quiznos in College Park, Maryland. We will order our meal inside and if the weather is nice, we will eat outside.
On any given evening, we will witness persons crossing the street. One or two of them might use the crosswalk but I figure they live in the area. The other walkers will stroll across the four lanes of traffic as though they are doing nothing wrong.
Somehow, I thought that college students had more sense. I guess I was wrong!

When school gets back in session, the roads are going to get pretty crowded with humans on foot. Multi-ton vehicles can not always stop on a dime. Someone is going to get hurt.
It's just a matter of time.
And when someone does die, everyone is going to take notice.
Why must anyone die before the local government does something?

Crossing in the crosswalk is not much better. There is a Maryland state law which says that all vehicles must stop for pedestrians in cross-walks. Unfortunately, there are too few drivers who obey the law.
Look both ways and pray no one hits you in the crosswalk.
But if the vehicle does strike you in the crosswalk, you can rest easy that they are at fault!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Marilyn Did Not Die Alone

As I got into my workout clothes, yesterday afternoon, I listened to the answering machine.

There were two messages.
One message took my breath away.

Alison, our next door neighbor had called to tell me that one of our neighbors, Marilyn had been found dead in her bathtub. Apparently Marilyn had fallen and struck her head in the bathtub. Her body was found by the police and her family a couple of days later.

Marilyn loved to work in the yard. Several times in recent month she had told us, the yard was getting too big for her. She said she had been thinking of moving into a smallish condo up the street.

I wish I could say more about her. I wish I had had the time to talk with her about her family. She lived alone in her house.

But you see, she did not really die alone.
Friends and family were with her to the very end.
Marilyn died surrounded by all her memories.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Pretty Stupid

I don't normally call someone stupid. Usually I'll say they are not thinking. I don't think I can blame it on the heat because the non thinkers have been doing a great job lately.

Crossing a main road in the middle of the street is bordering on stupid.
Pushing a baby in a stroller out into traffic against the light is irresponsible.
Walking out into traffic as though you own the road is well, what adjectives can I use?

Anyone who drives along East West Highway in front of Prince George's Plaza will witness this non conforming, I dare you to hit me, activity. There is a very nice pedestrian bridge which safely allows people to cross the street. I'm sure the bridge cost quite a few tax dollars.

I have never seen the local police giving out tickets. Of course this does not mean that they have not given out a thousand tickets for jaywalking. I know for a fact that nowhere on a police ticket pad is there a place to issue a ticket for being stupid! But give us time.
I have seen parents holding their children as they stroll across the busy street.
Business people walk across as well.
No one seems to think or care that at anytime, they could be hit.
They walk as though it was their street.
Who do we blame for this questionable behavior?
The list of those to blame is as long as two arms.
If others around us are jaywalking, do we also jaywalk?
If others can get away with it, then it must be okay.
When will we take responsibility for our own actions?
If mom says its okay to rob a bank, do you?
Moms can be wrong.
To me and I have an untrained police eye, here are persons breaking the law. A crime is happening right under the police officer's noses. How simple can it be? Just set up a table and give everyone a ticket. Simple as that. But wait. I sense there is a problem. Have the jaywalkers filed suit against the city for infringing on their rights to jaywalk? Is jaywalking an Art form? Can citizens be given a ticket for ART? I'm sure there is a concrete reason why the police don't enforce jaywalking. Police could be chasing a red light runner through traffic, endangering lives as other squad cars take up the chase. That would be a lot more fun than standing and telling someone you are giving them a ticket for jaywalking. And then listening as the jaywalker says its not their fault.
Someone is going to get killed as they jaywalk across East-West Highway. Friends will place roses and crosses at the sight. Then parents pushing their kids in strollers will pause, look down, wonder what killed that person and continue across the street as they jaywalk.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

But It Will Cut Into My Computer Time

Like hell, I’m not stubborn. I was born stubborn. My lovely wife will be the first to admit that I' m stubborn. She claims that all men are stubborn. Is this true? Are women not stubborn? Will women ever admit they are stubborn?

I have lost and gained weight most of my adult life.

Because of my wife, I’m now exercising for an hour or more six days a week. Because of my wife, I'm eating better than ever before. And because of exercising, I have lost weight and my blood chemistry is happier.
On February 28, 2005 my: total cholesterol was 154.
Triglycerides were 173.
HDL was 28
LDL was 91
As of May 26,2005, my total cholesterol was 145, tri-152, HDL-33 and LDL-82.
My HDL has been 28 forever. Before I got married, I tried all the recommendations the doctors threw at me, except for exercising. I never had time to sweat at home. I was too busy. I was doing something all the time.
Around the first of March 2005 my wife decided that if she was going to exercise six days a week, then her husband (me) was going to do the same. I had been getting a workout three times a week and thought I was doing pretty good.

When am I going to have time to play on the computer? I asked her.

"You can get on the computer after your workout at night," she said.

The concept of sweating six times a week did not appeal to me. Many times she has shared that she would rather be doing almost anything other than doing weights or using the treadmill.
Eventually, I gave in. What was I supposed to do? Say no? I tried saying no. No, is not an answer, she wished to hear from my lips.
My blood results are looking pretty damn good. And my weight is still dropping. I hope to get my weight down to about 185.

Getting old is not fun. But because of stretching and bending my body six times a week, some of me might not hurt as much as I get UN-Young. And who knows, I might live longer because my body parts have not broken down as quickly.

Exercising six days a week still seems to cut into my computer time but not exercising means a premature death could really cut into my computer time.

Okay, what’s your excuse? If you have put off sweating and bending, what are you waiting for? No, it’s not fun to exercise and I know I’m going to die one day but I just might be able to stay alive long enough to actually retire and then I will have plenty of time to write and exercise.

Look at it this way. If you start to exercise you might be able to put old age/ death on hold.
Exercise now, die later.
A friend once told me that I could always sleep when I was dead.
Trust me, you won’t be able to exercise when you’re dead!

Read what Prevention Magazine says about exercise:,5778,s1-2-69-242-5124-1,00.html

Friday, June 03, 2005

Just A Little Test

Listen up guys! Hey you! You there on the couch. Or sitting in traffic in one of the worse traffic jams on the Wilson Bridge. Do I have your attention? Good.

There is a little test which could save your life. No, it does not require any studying. You need to have your doctor do the test. The doctor is the one giving you the test and not vice versa.

If you have not recently had a PSA, GET ONE!!!
No excuses. No, it can't wait until next year. Make the time, today. If you are over 50 years old, and your doctor has never given you one, ask him or her why. Then get it done. Then look for another doctor. You don't need a doctor to gamble with your life!

Prostate Cancer Is The Second Leading Cause Of Cancer Death In Men.
Lung cancer is the first leading cause of CANCER DEATH IN MEN.
Let this sink in.

Attention all significant others. If your male partner keeps putting off getting a PSA, drag them to the doctor. You could save their life.

If you are younger than 50 and there is a family history of prostate cancer, get a PSA.

No more waiting for that break in your schedule.
Make the time.
Do it for yourself.
Do it for the ones you love.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

How about Stopping?

Our house is very close to a four-way stop. While I was washing the windows in the living room this past Saturday, I watched as two dozen or so cars, moved through the intersection within 10 minutes. Of those two dozen cars, four vehicles made complete stops.

A hundred years ago,when I was taking driver training in high school, my instructor told the class, "Come to a complete stop and count to three. Then look both ways and proceed slowly on your way." Back then, a stop meant just that. The vehicle is not moving when it is stopped. He warned us about doing a California stop. "Never Do A California Stop", he yelled at us.

While my wife and I were walking to a restaurant, we paused at a cross walk while a car came to a stop. I thought it was a stop. It was supposed to be a stop. The car had a stop light. That means the car was supposed to stop. We stepped down to the street and proceeded to walk to the other side. I turned to see that the driver of the car who was supposed to be stopped, was looking at traffic coming from her left. Her car was moving ever so slowly as we walked past the front end of her car.

Then she stepped on the gas as we were just clearing her bumper. At the last nanosecond, she slammed on the brakes. There was a threads thickness between her bumper and my wife's leg.
My wife yelled,"What are you doing?"
She answered, "It has been one of those days."
And if she had hit us, it was surely going to be one of those days.
As my wife and I stared at the driver, she said, "Have a nice day!"
Have a nice day? Was she on drugs? If she had hit us, our day would not have been nice. It would have been rather bad. And hospital food is not great.
This driver was not looking both ways. She may have seen us but running us over does not make me feel all fuzzy. If her day had been one of those days, then I'm sorry.
She should have come to a complete stop and waited while we crossed. She should not have tried to run us down.
I wish all drivers would come to full stops.
I wish all drivers would use seat belts.
I wish all drivers who talk on cell phones while driving, would not.
I wish I could use a cross-walk without fearing for my life.
What will it take for us to change?
It is just a matter of time before two cars meet in the intersection near my house. Someone will be seriously injured. Then new laws will be passed and not enforced. And everyone in the neighborhood will drive slower and stop at all stop signs, for a while. Then when we have forgotten about the damaged or lost lives, we will go back to our old way of driving and not stopping.