Monday, July 11, 2005

94 Pounds

A bag of cement weighs 94 pounds. I'm sure there is a logical reason for this occurrence. One of my readers will know the answer. Cement is one of three ingredients for my artificial stone pots. But as it turns out, cement is the heaviest.
About three weeks ago, I went to my local Home Depot. Honestly it was not the closest store. I'm willing to travel a little to find a store where the sales help is willing to help. That's what sales help is for. To help. Not to point and walk away. Or shrug their shoulders and say, it's not my department.

So I went to the Home Depot further away. I walked to the construction materials area and found the area for the cement. There was no cement. All I wanted was plain old Portland cement. Not pre mixed or extra fast setting cement. Just cement. I saw mixtures for stucco or filling in post holes. There was the self leveling cement mix but no Portland cement.

I found a salesperson, who said there had just been a delivery in the parking lot. Then he turned and walked away. I looked at his vanishing image. He stopped and looked at me. Oh, you want me to follow you?

I followed him to parking lot. There was another sales person unloading the shipment. The fellow I was following asked me how many bags I wanted. "One," I said.
The guy on the top of the load picked up the bag like it was a bag of potato chips.
The bag was handed to the guy I had followed. The guy I followed, groaned a little.
Turning around, he asked if I needed any help.

"No," I answered as the bag was handed to me. I felt my back muscles begin to quiver. I held the bag close to me as sweat began to pour off my forehead. My cart was maybe 15 feet behind me but it felt like it was moving away from me as I moved toward it. Of course, my nose began to itch. Oh, what I would have given for a third arm/hand. I thought of asking someone to scratch my nose but perhaps it would be a little forward of me.

I got to the cart and gingerly dropped the bag. Of course the bar code had to be on the bottom when the cashier wanted to check me out. "I'll lift the bag and you wand it," I told the cashier. As I lifted the bag, she looked in the store directory for bags of Portland cement. She knew what was going through my head but I can't say because I run a family blog, for now.
Pushing the cart through the security check point, I made it to the car.

Bags of Portland cement were not meant to bend over a trunk lid. As I lifted with my legs, the bag suddenly felt heavier. Was the cement absorbing moisture through the plastic liner? I got the cement over the trunk lid and into the trunk without altering too many vertebrae.

Arriving home, I carried the 94 pound bag of cement to the garage. Then I had this great idea of putting the bag of cement into a plastic trash bag to keep out the moisture.
Bad idea.
I wonder if Portland cement comes in 10 pound bags with easy carry handles?

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