Monday, June 06, 2005

Pretty Stupid

I don't normally call someone stupid. Usually I'll say they are not thinking. I don't think I can blame it on the heat because the non thinkers have been doing a great job lately.

Crossing a main road in the middle of the street is bordering on stupid.
Pushing a baby in a stroller out into traffic against the light is irresponsible.
Walking out into traffic as though you own the road is well, what adjectives can I use?

Anyone who drives along East West Highway in front of Prince George's Plaza will witness this non conforming, I dare you to hit me, activity. There is a very nice pedestrian bridge which safely allows people to cross the street. I'm sure the bridge cost quite a few tax dollars.

I have never seen the local police giving out tickets. Of course this does not mean that they have not given out a thousand tickets for jaywalking. I know for a fact that nowhere on a police ticket pad is there a place to issue a ticket for being stupid! But give us time.
I have seen parents holding their children as they stroll across the busy street.
Business people walk across as well.
No one seems to think or care that at anytime, they could be hit.
They walk as though it was their street.
Who do we blame for this questionable behavior?
The list of those to blame is as long as two arms.
If others around us are jaywalking, do we also jaywalk?
If others can get away with it, then it must be okay.
When will we take responsibility for our own actions?
If mom says its okay to rob a bank, do you?
Moms can be wrong.
To me and I have an untrained police eye, here are persons breaking the law. A crime is happening right under the police officer's noses. How simple can it be? Just set up a table and give everyone a ticket. Simple as that. But wait. I sense there is a problem. Have the jaywalkers filed suit against the city for infringing on their rights to jaywalk? Is jaywalking an Art form? Can citizens be given a ticket for ART? I'm sure there is a concrete reason why the police don't enforce jaywalking. Police could be chasing a red light runner through traffic, endangering lives as other squad cars take up the chase. That would be a lot more fun than standing and telling someone you are giving them a ticket for jaywalking. And then listening as the jaywalker says its not their fault.
Someone is going to get killed as they jaywalk across East-West Highway. Friends will place roses and crosses at the sight. Then parents pushing their kids in strollers will pause, look down, wonder what killed that person and continue across the street as they jaywalk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Entitlement!!! That should be the name given to this age. We have had have we have the age of entitlement! Make your own rules, the hell with speed limits, and kindess, and rules of humanity... do what ever you like and blame it on your parents. Oh well, enough! But come to think of it, maybe parentieng has a lot to do with it!